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MODX training

MODX training.

Are you or your team in need of extra training? We can train both developers and content managers in the arts of MODX.

We cover the following topics:

  • Content manager training
  • MODX developer training
  • Expand your MODX development skills

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

~ Henry Ford


Content Management Training.

Are you a content manager / MODX end-user? We'll teach you all the rules regarding content management:

  • How to properly structure your pages
  • How to keep Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in mind while editing your website
  • How to work with photos and optimize them for the web
  • Keep your media library structured and clean

You'll be given a short handbook afterward for future reference.

MODX developer training

MODX Developer Training.

Are you completely new to MODX? You know your thing when it comes to HTML, but you've got no experience implementing your HTML into a CMS. You're in luck! The MODX learning curve is very shallow. You can learn how to implement MODX within 4 hours. In this workshop you'll learn how to:

  • Install MODX
  • Create templates
  • Create mini-templates in order to not repeat yourself (like head and footers on your website)
  • Use snippets to make page-listings
  • Implement a search-feature

Prerequired skills: HTML.

MODX developer training

Improve Your MODX Development Skills.

Developers who know MODX can be trained in the more advanced MODX skills:

  • xPDO
  • Creating custom manager pages
  • Creating MODX components
  • Creating snippets
  • Creating plugins
  • Learn how to work with ExtJs

Required skills: HTML, JavaScript, OOP PHP.

contact Sterc

In need for a little training?

Contact us to set up a call, meeting, or email conversation. Nothing beats meeting people in person. You're welcome to visit our office and we would love to visit yours. We don't mind if the trip involves a plane.

Contact us.

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