1. Discover 💡
In the discovery step, we carefully examine your entire organization and the environment in which your organization works. It’s crucial to know what your organization stands for: why do you do what you do, how do you do this, and - finally - what is it that you do?
3. Translate 🔨
In the ‘Translate’ step, we determine which resources you will be using and how we're going to fill these in. We're discovering the experience journey of your audience, so we know exactly how to design your platform. After designing, we build the entire thing in MODX.
2. Decide 🧭
We find out which course suits your organization best. In this phase, important decisions are taken, and we determine where your organization’s focus will lie. That’s how we will find out who your focus groups are, your propositions, and KPIs.
4. Achieve 🏆
This final step is about achieving your results. The strategy and tactics are in place, the media resources are set up, and now you focus on achieving the results. In this step, we don't just look to your cash flow. Instead, we look at how we can make your organization go the extra mile.