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MODX3 Dashboard and Login


The Digital Experience Platform That Empowers You.

MODX3, the brand new version of the Content Management System (CMS) MODX. Even more user-friendly, and with great new features for scaling images for desktop and mobile, and creating QR and NFC tags with just one simple click.

With the use of ContentBlocks, you create web pages within seconds by dragging text, images, and forms on top of each other.

The flawless and complete integration with software packages like the marketing and sales platform HubSpot lets you benefit from even more great features. That's how MODX3 gives you all to creative freedom you need to achieve your digital goals.

With MODX3 you have access to:

  • Managing all of your content and digital products like websites, (web)apps, digital signage, and intranet in one place
  • A user-friendly CMS: every single team member efficiently manages all content and data
  • A unique dashboard showing everything you need to get started
  • A CMS that's built for maximum findability within search engines like Google and Bing
  • The image cropper that lets you edit and scale images for any device
  • The QR and NFC generator for creating QR and NFC tags in just one click
  • Flawless integration with third-party software for CRM, marketing and sales tools, PIM, ERP, accountancy, and many more.
  • Complete integration with HubSpot's marketing and sales automation and personalization toolkit


The Brand New Version of MODX

MODX3 is the newest version of the already powerful MODX CMS. MODX3 will give you a powerful multi-channel CMS that integrates with every external software. Using it also gives you a user-friendly, secure, findable, and fast platform with excellent features.

With MODX3, you have an even more user-friendly CMS with a renewed dashboard and a flawless and complete integration with CRM platform HubSpot. When integrating, you can use even more features besides the new features of MODX, such as scaling images for any device, and the QR and NFC generator. That's how you get started achieving your goals, whatever your role is.

MODX3 Login screen

Custom Login Screen.

The login screen of MODX3 is fully customizable and GDPR compliant. Now logging in is super secure because it sends you a notification when someone is logging into your account using an unknown device.

Besides being more secure, the login screen also got a personal touch! You can now create your own login screen so that you can show off your company's corporate identity. Besides that, the CMS immediately shows in your preferred language.

MODX multi-language

Created for Global.

MODX is a multilingual CMS, so teams from around the world can collaborate in the same CMS. Everyone manages the content and data in their preferred language, so it's understandable for every team member. Any language is possible, think of Chinese, Dutch, German, Spanish, English, and many more.

MODX3 Dashboard

User-Friendly Dashboard.

The custom dashboard only shows the things you need to get started straight away. The quick create buttons let you create landing pages, QR codes, brochures, a new item for your intranet, an update for the digital signage, or any of your activities within seconds.

By showing the Google Analytics and other stats, you see in no-time how many visitors your platform has, when pages are edited, or which forms are filled out. Finally, SEO Suite will show you which 404 pages it has solved, and shows recommendations of the pages you have to redirect manually. This all is how MODX3 lets you get on the right page or the right tooling within a few clicks.

MODX3: A New Page in No-Time.

With MODX3, you create new pages within seconds. Using the drag and drop tool to stack multiple content blocks on top of each other, you quickly create a new page with text, images, forms, video, downloads, CTAs, and many more. A landing page and even extensive pillar pages with in-depth information and links to other pages are therefore created without a sweat.

Besides, a new landing page or campaign page is just a click away from the dashboard. Create a page focused on one specific goal, add calls to action and forms, a see those conversions rise. By integrating the CMS with your CRM package, all data is directly saved in one complete contact overview.



MODX3 is built for a dominant performance in search engines like Google and Bing. Go the extra mile by adding MODX Extras for SEO to optimize your findability in search engines even further.

MODX Extra SEO Suite solves all 404 pages automatically. When it can't find a page, it shows you recommendations for the right redirect. Your visitors will never visit a non-existent web page ever again.

SEO Tab gives you the power to decide if Google should or shouldn't index a page, while SEO Pro helps you create the right page title and meta description based on your keywords. MODX will always help you get online visibility, so interesting leads will keep coming back.

Customized Images, in an Instant.

The current digital landscape is one where mobile is a more popular device than the desktop. Responsive web platforms are, therefore, crucial. But even responsiveness can scale your images on mobile devices the wrong way. You can prevent this from happening with the MODX Cropper tool. Scale and edit any image for every device, so you only show the things you want to show.

MODX3 not only lets you scale images, but optimizes the images so they won't slow down your website. With image optimizations and automatically update any image into Google's Webp, you make sure that images and your website will load as fast as lightning. So you keep scoring in Google.

QR and NFC Generator tool

QR & NFC in one Click.

With MODX3, generating QR and NFC tags is faster than you can say "Jack Robinson". Create them with just one click via the dashboard or directly via the page you've just created. Print the codes yourself, or send them to our specialized NFC printer to add in any kind of material.

Don't feel like scanning codes to get to your web pages? This generator also creates shortened URLs for you to use with or without the QR and NFC tags. Great for letting prospects quickly visit your website, and also for creating a better QR code. Using a shortened URL will make your QR code less complicated and better scannable. Win-win!

MODX HubSpot integration


The flawless and complete integration with the marketing and sales automation platform HubSpot creates a great connection between strategy and technology. With this integration, you not only have access to all the features MODX has to offer, but you also benefit from everything that makes HubSpot such a great platform. Now you translate your strategy into products that'll let you achieve your goals while helping your leads and customers in the best way possible.

Discover MODX & HubSpot View all integrations

HubSpot chat

HubSpot chat.

A chat(bot) is an essential tool to help the visitors of your website navigate to the pieces of content they want to see. HubSpot helps you set up your live chat and chatbot in no-time.

HubSpot Chatbot


With a workflow, you set up your chatbot within seconds. You decide which questions to ask, and when and where the chatbot will show. With a chatbot, you offer 24/7 support to visitors, guide them to the right pages and the right person, create a ticket, and let them schedule a meeting with the meeting planner. You manage when and where the chatbot shows, so the right questions are asked to the right person.

HubSpot forms

Powerful Lead Generation.

With a drag and drop system, you create forms in no-time, so you can get started generating valuable leads. MODX3 puts any forms you've created in the right place, with the right styling. Generate even more leads by using progressive profiling, so a visitor gets new form fields to fill out, every time they fill in a new form. With this new data, you can help your visitors even better.

HubSpot Fly-out Form

Fly-out forms.

Fly-out forms are in HubSpot a no-brainer. Create them in HubSpot and place them on your digital platform, so visitors can quickly leave their data to receive more valuable content. And all this data is directly saved in HubSpot's CRM, so you can keep optimizing your organization.


Customize any page on your platform, so it speaks to every unique visitor. Not only will you help your customers in the best way possible, but you'll also create a valuable relationship with your target group. Use your visitors' data to create unique experiences showing a personalized salutation, content perfectly tailored to your visitors' needs, and a chatbot and CTAs that help them navigate through your website.

Schedule Meetings with HubSpot's Meeting Planner.

With HubSpot's meeting planner, you never have to email back and forth to schedule a meeting again. The tool only shows the dates and times you're available, so you never miss out on an excellent opportunity to meet your prospects and customers. Not only do you have scheduled a meeting fast, but it's also easily added to your website.

More about HubSpot and MODX? Schedule your meeting now!

MODX speed

Supersonically Fast.

Online speed is crucial when it comes to turning visitors into returning ones. In the base, MODX is a smart CMS that provides you with all necessary functionalities, without it slowing down the CMS with unnecessary code. By adding essential extra features and smart technics such as image optimization, above the fold content, and caching, you can be confident your MODX platform will always be supersonically fast.

MODX Scalability


A Platform That Grows With You

From startup to multinational, everyone wants to grow. It's good to know that MODX will always grow with you. So when you want to add a webshop, digital signage, or an integration to your current platform, that isn't a biggie. Expanding it with new languages is neither a problem for this super flexible CMS. That's how you always stay online, and you can do what you love to do: managing your business.

MODX security


The MODX community is always focused on securing the CMS in the best way possible. A team inside this community checks all the code searches for vulnerabilities, and solves these immediately. That’s how MODX makes sure your digital platform is safe and sound. Add essential MODX extras and Two Factor Authentication, and you’re in complete control over the security of your online platform. This is what makes MODX even more secure than most CMSs.

Discover Your Online Performance.

Our quick scan shows you in no-time how your platform performs in speed, security, and SEO. Simply fill in your URL, and the scan will do the rest. Easy-peasy!

strategic Sterc model

MODX3 for Any Goal.

This allows you to achieve any goal with MODX3. Aren't you sure if you're focusing on branding, leads, sales, service, or recruitment? With our strategic Sterc model, you create in just four steps your digital strategy and achieve your goals.

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Branding funnel

MODX3 for Branding.

Become Visible!

MODX is multi-channel, which means that you can connect any product and any platform to it. Distributing content and managing the branding of your company on all different channels has never been any easier.

Leads funnel

Generate Leads with MODX3.

MODX3 optimizes your content so that it helps you get valuable traffic from Google to your platform. Adding one of the flawless integrations with CRM platforms like HubSpot, lets you save collected data immediately. Following-up and personalization are now as simple as that.

Sales funnel

Increase Your Sales.

Pay online with all known payment systems. Let all processes run smoothly by integrating with packages such as Exact, SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite, or even with your physical POS system. You can also trigger purchases by linking your products or services to email marketing software. With MODX, increasing your sales is a sure thing.

Service funnel

The Best Support.

Offer your visitors the best support they could receive by integrating contacting possibilities such as WhatsApp, Chatbot, Messenger, chat, and click2call to your service system. Your visitors can also quickly find an answer to their questions on a FAQ page, or by offering them useful downloads like a user-manual or a guide.

Recruitment funnel

Recruitment with MODX3.

Present the working conditions, show the unique culture of your organization, and convince potential candidates. Share vacancies by connecting with social media and let candidates apply online quickly and easily. Save all the information within the HRM package of your choice, such as AFAS and Exact Synergy.

MODX demo

More About MODX3?

Let us tell you all about the power of MODX and the ease of content management it provides during a MODX demo!

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