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ConstantContact for MODX


ConstantContactSubscribe is a MODX Extra for subscribing users in ConstantContact lists using FormIt. Adds a snippet for retrieving ConstantContact lists in a single select TV and a FormIt hook for subscribing ConstantContact users to the list provided in the pages Template Variable.

Download ConstantContact


  • Fill in Constant Contact Access Token: constantcontactsubscribe.access_token
  • Fill in Constant Contact Consumer Secret Key: constantcontactsubscribe.consumer_secret
  • Fill in Constant Contact API Key: constantcontactsubscribe.api_key
  • Fill in Redirect URL: constantcontactsubscribe.redirect_uri (used for authentication)
  • Option 1: Create a new single select TV variable and set the input option values to: @EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('ConstantContactGetLists');
  • Add ConstantContact List ID TV in systemsettings: constantcontactsubscribe.list_tv
  • Option 2: Set the FormIt scriptProperty &constantcontactListId to the correct ConstantContact List ID
  • Add ConstantContactSubscribe to your FormIt hooks
  • Add in your chunk the placeholder fi.error.constantcontact, which holds all ConstantContact error messages.
  • Add a field called newsgroup, if the value of this field is set to yes, the user will be subscribed to the ConstantContact list.


Free Extra
This is a free extra and the code is publicly available for you to change. The extra is being actively maintained and you're free to put in pull requests which match our roadmap. Please create an issue if the pull request differs from the roadmap so we can make sure we're on the same page.

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