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5 Ways to Create a Personalized Online Experience.

Website personalization

It's no secret that we, from Sterc, work with inbound marketing and marketing automation tool HubSpot. Because we've been working with this tool for some months, we noticed some excellent features that might come in handy for you too!

In this blog, we'll focus on personalization. Personalization is a fundamental part of HubSpot, and can be done as extensive as you want to (and your target group expects from you). In a previous blog, we spoke about personalizing different aspects of online marketing. In this blog, we take a good look at website personalization. That's why we're going to show you five ways to personalize your website to convince your target group of the power of your organization!


Why do you need to personalize?

Before we get started, it might be necessary to know why we need to personalize. Well, to cut it right to the chase: personalized content works 212% better than generic content1. The explanation for this is pretty simple. Every website visitor is unique, has its own needs, questions, and problems. Not to mention that every visitor is in a different phase of its customer journey and your funnel.

Online users even expect companies to offer personalized content. 41% of consumers will leave a website when he feels it isn't personalized enough2.

To not miss out on these valuable leads, it's crucial that your website is personalized, and you focus on the needs of every unique visitor. This way, you can guide your visitors through your website and their customer journey. So you can turn those leads into customers.

Personalized Content Facts

What can you personalize on a website?

Personalizing your website has a lot of effect on your visitors and the way they navigate through your site. Below we'll show you five ways to personalize your website:


1. Text and images

The most visible part of your website: content. You can personalize any piece of content displayed on your website, but it's better when done in small steps. In HubSpot, the personalization of content is called 'smart content'. You can also add personalization tokens to your content. With smart content, you show every segment of your target group, another piece of content. When someone visits your website for the first time, he'll see the basic version of your website.

With personalized content, you can think of making your header image, header text (H1), or the first paragraph of text on your page smart. That way, you'll have the visitor's attention immediately when they visit your website. Change the header image into an image connected to the branch someone is working for, for example. You can also change the text in a way that appeals to every unique user. Welcome your visitors on your website by showing a welcome message with the first name or the company name in it. Or change the text to something the visitor is interested in, based on his/her behavior.

2. Products and blog

You can also change the order of your blog items or show products that exactly fit the needs and behavior of the visitor. This way, you can give recommendations about products, just like Netflix, Spotify, and several webshops do.

3. Logos and cases

Third, you can personalize the order of logos and related client cases. Use the data you get from the behavior of the visitor, and find out what branch someone is working in. This way, you can show related cases and logos of related clients. Pretty sure your visitors can relate better to your company when he sees you've worked for companies in the same branch. Trust has never been created more easily!

4. Call-to-actions

Call-to-actions are probably the most crucial elements of your website. With CTAs, you make sure visitors act on your website. To let visitors convert quicker, it's essential to design the CTA in a way that's appealing to each visitor.

With HubSpot, you can create call-to-actions quickly and embed these on your website. Now you can get started with smart CTAs super easy! HubSpot's research shows that personalized CTAs get 42% more form submissions than generic call-to-actions3. This makes smart CTAs the perfect way for you to collect data.

When you want to get started with smart CTAs, you can think of things such as a CTA for requesting a demo or training when someone has already downloaded something. Or when a client visits your website, you don't show them a CTA for a demo request, but a contact form or a service ticket form. This way, you guide every lead through their customer journey, without manually having to do everything.

5. Chat

Last but not least: chat! Chat is the most accessible way to get in contact with your target group. With HubSpot, you can easily set up a chat and can decide when you want to show it. Or show another welcoming message to your clients versus the new visitors.

You can also fully personalize a chatbot. With a chatbot, you can show different answers to people's questions. Or you can use a chatbot in a way to guide visitors immediately to the right page. Or guide customers to a webpage where they can submit a ticket for your service team, and guide new visitors to forms, so you get more data from them.

HubSpot API

In the end, it's all about segmenting your data. So make sure you use a platform that collects all the data, and lets you apply this data on your website or other online product. With "our" MODX CMS, you can already get started with online personalization. With the HubSpot API that we've created, you can now use all data available in your HubSpot CRM. You can personally welcome visitors to your website, automatically fill in the form fields with available data, create smart content, and much more. The best about this is that you can work within one CMS in which you can manage all your different online multi-lingual products, such as website, webshop, web2print, intranet, and digital signage. Our HubSpot API combines the best of both worlds, and we would love to tell you more about it!

Do you want to get started with personalizing your website, or do you want to get started with HubSpot? Feel free to contact us! With our HubSpot API, we'd love to help you implementing HubSpot.


1: https://www.hubspot.com/products/how-personalization-works
2: https://blog.hubspot.com/service/best-personalization-software
3: https://blog.hubspot.com/customers/personalizing-your-website

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